Case Studies

Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital | EIZO

Gathering Image Data in the Latest Cardiovascular Surgery Practices and the Role of High-Definition Large Monitors

In December 2012, Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital installed in its operating room two 60-inch RadiForce LX600W monitors and one 47-inch RadiForce LX470W monitor, large monitor managers including the LMM0802, and peripheral devices. We asked Dr. Satoshi Kamihira, Chief Surgeon of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, about his impressions having used them for about one year.

Dr. kamihira

Reasons for choosing EIZO

Gathering Image Data in the Latest Cardiovascular Surgery Practices

“A thoracic or abdominal aortic aneurysm operation using stent grafts requires a considerable number of monitors to display data such as vital signs, cardiac outputs, bispectral index (BIS) for monitoring anesthesia, brain tissue oxygen saturation (INVOS), transesophageal echocardiography, electronic charts (especially image data from CT, MRI, etc.), images from the surgical camera, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), and fluoroscopic images for CR. I wondered how many monitors there were and always wanted to consolidate them.”

Monitors for anesthesiologists
Monitors for anesthesiologists


“Setting up a specialized hybrid operating room could reduce availability for other fields of surgery, decreasing the utilization rate of the entire operating room. It would also incur significant costs and an extended period of construction work, during which it would be impossible to carry out operations. Given these factors, we decided to implement a “mobile hybrid concept,” a concept built around producing a hybrid operating room by using an existing operating room. This concept involves a flat-panel mobile angiographic device with which operations can be performed, a specialized operating table for fluoroscopy, and organization of image data used in the operation (hybridized information).”

“A large monitor is an essential device for this concept. The monitor needs to satisfy several conditions. All types of information and images should be gathered and displayed on a single monitor, the size and positioning of the images displayed should be adjustable, it should have wide viewing angles, and interventional radiology (IVR) images should be displayed clearly.”

“Installation of the 60-inch monitor mounted from the ceiling took three weeks working only on weekends (a total of six days’ work). Compared to establishing a new hybrid operating room, we were able to install it at a lower cost without losing use of the room for performing operations.”

Operating room with a large monitor
Operating room with a large monitor

Results of installation

Reduction in time required for operations and improvement in the level of surgical technique

“The large monitor in front of the operator provides all necessary information, significantly improving the flow of operations. We have carried out nearly 100 stent-graft insertion operations, for which the time taken has generally been shortened by approximately an hour per operation. Another major advantage of the mobile hybrid system is the fact that, in the treatment of lower extremity arterial disease, the angiographic device and the large monitor support a flexible layout, allowing us to position the images different than usual.”

Operating room with a large monitor
Carrying out stent-graft insertion

“Another significant point is that the large monitor has also brought about an improvement in the entire staff’s surgical technique. Information can be shared by all members, so that the progress of the operation and complications are understood immediately. This accumulation of knowledge and experience among the entire staff has produced noteworthy educational benefits. With reduced setup time, it is possible to respond to emergency cases, such as a ruptured aneurysm, without delay. This is also a significant advantage.”

Treatment of lower extremity arterial disease
Treatment of lower extremity arterial disease


Shimane Prefectural Central HospitalShimane Prefectural Central Hospital

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